Monday, December 17, 2007

A sweet card

BC Hydro has a card at the following site:
They will donate to the BC Childrens hospital each time someone activates the site.

Drop in a coin (it's free) and watch the action.


Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Debbie Idzikowski, and I'm John Hobbins' secretary. I've tried to find a way to contact you, and this is the best way I know how so that John won't find out. John's 50th birthday is coming up on January 12th and I'm hoping to help make it a special one for him. I know that this isn't a lot of notice, but I thought that it would really be neat to have some of his Bible blogging friends from the states and around the world, each send him a birthday card (funny or serious – either would be great). In order to not spoil any surprise until that day though, I was hoping that if you were interested in sending him one that you would send it to me and I will collect them and deliver all of them on his birthday. Please think about it, and if you're interested, send his card to me at this address:

Debbie Idzikowski
W177 Oak Drive
Lomira, WI 53048

I will make sure he receives all of them. And please don't let the cat out of the bag – don't mention anything about this until his birthday on January 12th. Then if you'd like to say something about it on your blog site, it won't ruin the surprise. John is SO afraid that I'm going to throw him some kind of party (he HATES parties in his honor). He knows something is up but he doesn't know what it is yet.

Thanks for your help in this!

Blessings -

BTW - I'm wondering if you would know who took some pictures at the pasta party in San Diego. The description that John's daughter gave me, best fit you and your wife. If that is true, I'm wondering if there is a way to get a copy of those pictures through email ... if you don't mind. We would all love to see them!
Thanks again!

Bob MacDonald said...

Debbie - got your note; please see pictures in the latest post. There are 4 that I took and two names I don't have - woe is me for my memory! I have a card at home but didn't get it into the mail yet.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bob! The pictures are great. Thanks so much for helping make this a special birthday for John.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob -
I just wanted to let you know that I received your card in the mail today for John. He's going to be so happy to hear from you on his big day - I'll make sure he gets the card. John has been a real blessing to me and my family, so this has been a lot of fun doing this for him.
Thanks again!