Thursday, December 4, 2008

More musing from the plane

So much past - but I cannot resent it
You have been with me in spite of my incompetence
So much promise too - how can I find the hope
and the words of invitation for others?

Steadfast, for one who is steadfast
Faithful, for one who is faithful
Open in your secret, for the one who is hidden
Hidden in your wing, for the one who is open
Safe under the feathers of the only giver of salvation


scott gray said...


this reminds me of augustine's fabulous love poem to god:

far too late have i begun to love you, beauty, you are so old and yet so new...


Bob MacDonald said...


"Love God and do what you will." Augustine has much good to teach us. The story segment from Mons has this note in the middle (also part of the concentric structure)

This is no mistral wind enforcing prostration from trees, nor have we hot breath blown into our glass without our permission, but this Spirit, to whom we are being fully opened, we adore with the same love he has given to us.

A reflection on John - "we love because he first loved us".

scott gray said...

you are an amazing fellow.